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Digital marketing and analytics training modules overview - attendees registration continues

Day 1: Strategy & Planning

A lot of businesses in Uzbekistan engage themselves in online advertising and social media without first developing their thorough planning and strategic preparation for online marketing. This often leads to failures of their marketing campaigns and doesn't allow them to fully recognise and benefit from the opportunities and impact of digital marketing to their businesses. This unit will help participants to understand the scope of digital marketing and its relevance to their organisations and markets. It will focus on the importance of planning by setting clear business objectives, developing relevant tactics and identifying performance measurement techniques. While introducing to some most widely used frameworks and models, participants will better understand the applications of digital technologies and channels to achieve their marketing and business objectives, as well as how they can be used to find, get, keep and grow customers. The importance of budgeting along with pros and cons of working with agencies will also be highlighted.

Day 2: Website Design

How effective do you think is your website and how it actually contributes to the success of your business? Website is the face of your company on the web over which you (should) have full control. However, many local websites keep being developed and designed by 3rd party agencies and managed by IT and web development people, rather than marketers. This unit will guide you through the best practice process of web development from a high level business perspective with an aim to deliver customer-centric, outcome-driven websites by applying principles and approaches of usability, accessibility, persuasion, responsiveness and adaptability. You will also learn how to develop an effective brief for website creation and enhancement to your agency as well as how to assess the quality and effectiveness of their web development and design. For those who wish to gain full control over their web presence, alternative ways of website designing will be introduced for more effective web marketing.

Day 3: Search Marketing

Search is still incredibly effective and at the same time very competitive vital element of any marketing campaign. On this module you will learn about the key concepts, techniques and differences between search engine optimisation (SEO) and search advertising, also called pay-per-click (PPC) advertising in the examples of Google and Bing search advertising tools. It will provide you with a solid practical knowledge about on-page and off-page elements of optimising your site for search engines in order to increase your organic traffic from Google, Bing and others. And it will guide you through effective planning, starting and managing your own search advertising campaigns to better target the people you want to reach. The importance of keywords and targeting options, search ad elements, landing pages, bidding, conversion and tracking the performance of your search ad s will also be thoroughly covered.

Day 4: Email Marketing

Email is a powerful channel and tool marketers use in order to better communicate with their prospects and customers. Unfortunately, email marketing in Uzbekistan is just limited to sending out cold and untargeted commercial proposals to 3rd party acquired email lists, which simply results in a full waste of time, efforts and resources. This unit will help you understand how email can deliver one of the highest return on investment of any of your online marketing activity and it will guide you through the right and effective way of using email to communicate with your audience. The participants will learn the concept of permission based marketing and develop competencies to plan, execute, measure and budget for effective email marketing campaigns. You will learn about some of the most effective email marketing tools you can use to start communicating with your audience for information alerting, converting, retention and other purposes along with tracking and measuring e-campaigns, increasing response rates and growing your email lists.

Day 5: Display Advertising

This module will provide you with everything you need to know about online display advertising based on internationally accepted standards and best practices. By gaining a good understanding about display ad types and formats, media planning and buying approaches, you will learn how to effectively plan your online campaign, set your campaign objectives, precisely target your audience, measure the effectiveness of your ads and optimise the performance of your campaigns. You will also gain practical understanding of retargeting and remarketing concepts along with attribution modelling in order to maximise the return of your display advertising. If your business' online advertising is carried out by 3rd party ad agency, you will also benefit from topics on how to brief, monitor and control your suppliers or service providers; and if you wish to stay on top and in full control of your ads and budget, you will learn how Daromad ad network can simplify the process and maximise the effectiveness of your online advertising.

Day 6: Social Media Marketing

Marketing or advertising on social media channels has become an essential part of digital, especially for driving traffic to your website, lead generation, customer engagement and reputation management. While you can no longer ignore the power of social media, you should also treat it as a very dynamic and sensitive area, because depending on how you manage it, it can either make or break your business. So while existing top local media channels keep growing in size, become more influential and more and more niche social channels and platforms evolve, it is important to choose and focus on the right channel for your business and purpose. This module will provide you with practical knowledge and techniques on how to manage your social media marketing programs effectively and productively along with practical skills on how to better utilise the channels like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube etc. toward the success of your business by solving marketing and communication challenges.

Day 7: Content Marketing

Although this part of the training might seem like an extension to the previous module, it certainly serves as a discipline of its own requiring a strategic approach. Whether you're marketing a physical product or service, you can learn how to attract your audience with engaging content that could gradually convince them to acquire your offering. You will learn how you can distribute relevant and valuable content through corporate blogging, whitepapers, e-books, industry reports, infographics, webinars, podcasting, viral messages and others to effectively attract, engage and acquire your desired target audience and gradually convert their engagement into profitable customer actions. Upon completion of this module you will learn that content marketing is not about sharing 3rd party images and news on your Facebook page but more about creating the right content that is truly interesting, engaging and valuable to the right people that can position your brand as an expert in your chosen field.

Day 8: Digital Analytics

You will learn about the different types of web and digital analytics packages along with their benefits and challenges. This module will help you get the most of your website, mobile and social data by showing what you should measure, how should you report and what actions should you take as a result. From understanding key approaches of collecting and tracking data to setting solid right objectives, goals, KPIs, you will learn how to measure the effectiveness and financial return of your corporate, e-commerce, brand and other portfolio websites with the use of some of the popular free and low cost web, mobile, social and visual analytics tools and platforms. As you will be well introduced to the concepts of big data, universal analytics and conversion rate optimisation, you will learn some effective techniques of analysing your data to extract maximum information, convert them into insights and make good data-driven decisions for business.

Day 9: User Experience

Whether you're developing a new site or improving the existing one, it is important you understand how vital is user experience and the user journey in building successful brands. This module will primarily focus on usability and user experience design principles with digital research techniques you can apply and tools you can use in order to understand the level of your website's user experience attributes and how you can further optimise your website's conversion paths in order to continuously improve your audience engagement and loyalty with your content. You will be introduced to a few top and most effective voice of the customer and user based analytics tools that can help you capture your user experience challenges and improve your website with a user-centric design approach. You will be introduced to the concept and practice of conversion rate optimisation, A/B testing and effective landing pages in the process of transforming your new site visitors into prospective leads and long-term loyal customers.

Day 10: Online Reputation

This module will help you learn how to manage your reputation across digital media channels by understanding and influencing the perception of your brand, product or service online. You might have a great PR person who is more likely busy with promoting your brand across various media channels, without paying attention to real conversations and mentions about your business happening online. Therefore, a good PR person should ensure that you know what is being said about you across digital channels, and that you are leading the conversation. And this can be well achieved through social listening and online reputation monitoring techniques. When creating your brand presence in social media, you should approach it carefully and strategically because poorly managed social media campaigns can easily backfire your long-years built reputation. While tracking your company’s reputation across the internet can be a hard work across different countries and in different languages, you'll get to know some tools and strategies that can make it much easier.

Introducing "Fast Track Web Marketing & Analytics" training for marketing professionals and website owners in Uzbekistan

PDGTAL is pleased to offer the first of its kind comprehensive training program in Uzbek, Russian, English languages designed for mid-senior marketing professionals and website owners in Uzbekistan to help them better understand the business value and opportunities of online marketing with web analytics to their organisations, and apply those techniques effectively to meet their business objectives.The course will contain 10 modules providing a thorough understanding to core digital marketing skills with detailed look at each of the these disciplines:

1. Strategy & Planning
2. Website Design
3. Search Marketing
4. Email Marketing
5. Display Advertising
6. Social Media
7. Content Marketing
8. Digital Analytics
9. User Experience
10. Online Reputation

How this course is different?

The aim of this training programme is to provide practitioners with most complete and accurate, comprehensive, yet easy to understand and follow, practical and jargon-free, up to date and relevant information, so they can apply their acquired knowledge and skills in their day to day operations right way. Moreover, this programme is perhaps going to be the first and only one of its kind to be offered fully in Uzbek language along in Russian and English for relevant audiences.

Who should attend?

Mid to senior managers of local and international organisations based in Uzbekistan who are responsible for their marketing, communications, sales and commercial departments. Business and website owners or other decision makers who wish to build or grow their ventures with online marketing and web analytics. Aspiring students or university graduates who wish to get a job in the areas of digital marketing and analytics.

How I or my organisation will benefit from the training?

Upon completion of the course, the participants will be able to effectively plan and apply their acquired knowledge and skills, key digital technologies and techniques to meet their marketing, communications and commercial objectives. They will be able to continuously improve the value and contribution of digital media to the success of their marketing programmes and business. Successful participants will also be awarded with the Certificate of Attendance by Prospectuz DGTAL.

Who will provide the training?

The whole course will be delivered solely by the head of our company Abdurashid Atahanov, Digital Analytics Consultant and a Certified Web Analyst (License No: CWA1405198). As a holder of MSc in International Business with major in Digital Marketing Communications as well as Diploma in Digital Marketing from the UK's top institutions, Abdurashid helped a lot of large international organisations and brands in measuring the effectiveness of their corporate websites and marketing projects. He has also been lecturing on Retail & Services Marketing with Management of Business Information Systems at MDIST since 2014. Apart from consulting, Abdurashid is actively involved in his two start up projects: and You can learn more about Abdurashid on Our Team page.

Where and When?

The training is expected to commence between 27 Apr - 04 May at the Inkonel Business Centre in Tashkent.
The program represents 30 hours of face-to-face teaching sessions at 3 hrs a day for 2 weeks from Mon-Fri 5pm-8pm with 20 mins coffee break intervals. Exact date and time will be confirmed in due course, taking into account the availability of attendees.

How many people can attend?

In order to make the training as effective and interactive as possible, we currently accept between 15-20 participants only.

How much it will cost?

The price for the full training course is UZS 945,000 which includes light coffee breaks and the Certificate of Attendance. Existing university students who wish to attend the training can get 25% discount on the proof of their student ID. We offer discount for students mainly because compared to working professionals, they perhaps might not be able to apply their acquired knowledge and skills right away on the job but they will certainly develop a good thorough awareness about the industry, increase their employability and benefit from professional networking.

How to register?

Just head to our Digital Training page, hover over the first training course block and click the "Apply now" link. You will be displayed with a quick and easy form to fill in and submit. We will then review your entry and email you our Training Modules Overview together with the Service Agreement form which you will be able to securely e-sign and then follow up with the payment via bank transfer or card payment. Upon receipt of your full payment, we will confirm your participation and further provide and update you with necessary course relevant information and instructions. The seats are limited to 20 attendees only.

More training choices

For more advanced training options on particular areas of digital marketing and analytics for yourself or your organisation, you can learn about our other individually tailored training courses currently offered on Our Training page that are going to commence from June 2015 onwards. If you find the right course for your needs, you can register for it right away and enjoy the "early bird" fixed rates as prices will go up later.

Summary to the first WAW event held at MDIS in Tashkent

The first Web Analytics Wednesday event was held at MDIST on Nov 26, 2014 which left event participants with lots of enthusiasm, awareness and interest towards web analytics field. Although out more than 100 organisations were invited to attend, with only less than half of them were able to participate, the event proved to be very interesting, informative and interactive.

The program kicked off at around 3pm with a welcome speech by Dr Les Kingham from Sunderland University in the UK followed by Abdurashid Atahanov who briefly introduced guests to a history of Web Analytics Wednesday, its purpose and how it's run, as well as thanked MDIS in Tashkent along with Web Analytics Demystified and Tealium organisations in the US for sponsoring and supporting the event.

The remaining part of the event were featured by our keynote speakers Javlon Juraev (Projects Development Manager) who talked about the need and requirements of maintaining websites and use of web analytics by different business types, and Abdurashid Atahanov who talked about the use of web analytics for corporate websites optimisation, data-driven decisions and measuring online marketing campaigns effectiveness. As an analytics advocate in the region, he also talked about creating and maintaining analytics business culture in organisations. Dr Les Kingham from the UK gave another interesting speech on how students of Sunderland University use digital technologies and analytics for shaping their career paths and establishing connections with prospective employers through real life projects involvements.

Event Gallery

Participants Survey

Taking a chance of the event, we conducted a WAW Survey among participants in order to help us better understand the role of web analytics in their organisation. Here are some of the interesting findings from that survey even though the population was very small.

When asked about their company websites, almost all event attendees already operated their corporate websites but only half of them used or planned to use any web analytics tools for tracking their website visitors. This just demonstrates a low awareness about the business value of web analytics in the region, ie. in Uzbekistan.

It was interesting to see that Marketing and IT departments were equally responsisible for company websites and use of web analytics tools and the larger involvement of IT departments perhaps suggest that websites and web analytics are still perceived to be highly technical activities.

The other more or less active departments in relevant decision-making process came to inhouse Corporate Communications departments along with external advertising and media Agencies.
When asked about primary company website objectives, it was revealed that organisations were mainly concerned about less practical, action driven website objectives like creating and increasing their brand awareness. While they also use their website as a tool for helping them promote and sell their products and services, they don't really treat their websites as a great tool to help them reduce their operating costs. Moreover, their websites seem to be less customer focused since they don't quite use them for providing online service to their customers or even for their audience and customer development.

On a social media scene however, they seem to be very active and taking it with higher priority as all respondents' organisations currently maintain their business presence on Facebook, with less activities directed towards establishing their presence on LinkedIn and Twitter.

Despite its global business popularity, YouTube is not yet popular among local organisations for video marketing, which could be due to time, efforts and resources required to continuously produce good quality video content or they could be also using few other local alternative sites under Other category.

But when it comes to measuring various online activities with web analytics tools, only less than half of survey respondents' companies were actually measuring performance against their primary website objectives with less than one-third of them using analytics for website content optimisation. They also don't quite use web analytis for measuring their online marketing activities like online advertising, social media marketing and SEO, not to meantion about finding ways to track their traditional advertising.

Such limited activities perhaps could also be justified with one-fourth of event participants didn't have enough in-house web analytics skills, time or even trust in data. However, for those activities they measure with web analytis, half of respondents indicated that they do make website changes or other business decisions based on analytics data.

This could mean, it could be a matter of providing them with more right data and actionable insights in order to increase their engagement and practice with web analytics.


If you would like to have a copy of slides presented throughout the WAW Tashkent event on Nov 26th, please feel free to submit us your email address using the form below, so we will then forward you the PDF copy of the presentations.

Please note, the presentation content is in Russian language.

Web Analytics Wednesday event comes to Uzbekistan with a support of MDIS in Tashkent

We're pleased to announce that the first internationally run and popular Web Analytics Wednesday (WAW) event is coming to Uzbekistan and wll be held at the Management Development Institute of Singapore in Tashkent (MDIST) on Nov 26, 2014 2PM.

As a Visiting Lecturer & Tutor at MDIST on Management E-Informations Systems & Technologies module as well as the digital analytics evangelist in the region, Abdurashid Atahanov is organising and hosting this event at the premises and under the support of MDIST. And it is with great privilege, that MDIST, being one of the top three state run higher educational institutions in Uzbekistan, volunteered to support and sponsor this professional networking event by providing one of its modern and digitally equipped venues. The event is also partially sponsored by the US based Tealium and Web Analytics Demystified organisations.

What is WAW?

Web Analytics Wednesday (WAW) is an internationally popular and industry supported free professional social networking event that has been connecting local communities of web and digital analytics practitioners in every major city, on every continent. It was founded in 2007 by Web Analytics Demystified, the global leader in digital analytics and optimization consulting for the Enterprise and you can find out more about the popularity and scale of the event on their Web Analytics Wednesday page.


The main purpose of holding the WAW event at such established organisation and venue as MDIS in Tashkent, is to gather mid‐to‐senior level local professionals and executives from companies of different industries in order to increase their awareness of the business value of Web Analytics among SMBs & large enterprises in Uzbekistan and provide them with an opportunity for exchanging different ideas, knowledge, experience in this area and best practices sharing that they could apply for their organisations.


The topic of the event is "What is web analytics and how it can grow or change your online business?"
The presentation slides of the event will be in Russian but depending on the audience, those will be communicated either in Ruussian, Uzbek or English languages. You can download the Agenda by clicking here.

Call for Speakers

We're looking for 3 (three) external speakers to attend the event with their short 15-20 mins report on the areas of Online Marketing, Social Media and Web Analytics in the case of the company they work for. If you're interested, please submit your topic with a brief summary by uploading your file (doc, pdf, ppt) in the RSVP form below. We reserve the right to select the most interesting 3 topics and will follow up with a speaker afterwards.

Register Online

To register for the event, please fill in our RSVP form below and click Submit. Due to a limited number of seats available, we're ideally looking for 1-2 representatives from up to 100 organisations operating in Uzbekistan.

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